Non-Fiction Ghostwriting

Skrifmaskin, Elliot-Fishers maskin för skrifning i bok, Nordisk familjebok Non-fiction ghostwriting services come in many forms – editing, ghostwriting and consultancy services are part of most non-fiction writing endeavours.

Crafting convincing non-fiction can be an intimidating process. It requires an exhaustive amount of research and expertise in a chosen subject; often combining the empirical with the philosophical and the political.

New writers can get caught up in the vast amount of information and dense writing often accompanies this; so people can benefit from our assessments and editorials system. We offer valuable feedback and critique to help create well-informed, unique and streamlined non-fiction.

The Ghostwriting Process

1. Brief us with the project and send us everything you have. Our job is to understand what the book is as we discuss your publishing goals.

2. As discussions and meetings take place, we’ll find model books that support the project. We will start to build an outline and trial some sample writing.

3. The first main goal will be to submit a strong proposal with two or three working sample chapters. As you and your ghost continue the writing, we will begin to submit the proposal for you to agents and publishers.

4. It can take years for the book to get to the stage you are happy with but a business book or thought leadership title is easier to write than a history book or political piece of non-fiction. The type of book and your budget will determine what ghostwriter we assign as lead-writer, how long the project will take, the editorial team and general process.

We bring specialist consultants on board and we work with academics and journalists who have experience on key topics. Non-fiction titles can be some of the most challenging, as tone and delivery will make or break a title but with workshops, re-writes and our editorials system we endeavour to ghostwrite strong non-fiction with memorable analysis that separates the wheat from the chaff on important topics and subjects.